This quite similar to the general business world:
You search for excellency in your input products, as also compose and refine your processes, till you created the product of your dreams!
But quite contrary to just create an icecream, products, services and their supporting processes become more and more digital, and change constantly in taste and color, with every update, with every upgrade, more rapidly every year.
Furthermore, don’t forget: YOU created it! In such change processes, we tend to forget the main driver: The Human Factor.
Changes affect the culture of the entire company and need specific individual skills and training. In MIT and Deloitte’s study of digital transformation the most successful, fast-growing, digitally enabled companies are differentiated by one thing: They’ve transformed their culture towards a learning organization. Everybody becomes a leader. Everybody becomes an artist.
“And Culture isn’t just one aspect of the game; it is the game!”
(Lou Gerstner – Ex CEO IBM)
You still struggle to get an overview of the many disciplines of digital transformation? Are you still working solely at the process and technology level without addressing your issues of leadership and culture? You ask yourself…
How I could know what is best and what will last?
With which technology I should support my processes?
How will we become a learning organization?
Do we need an new kind of Leadership and how I develop this?
What is New Work meaning and how I get there?
And how I get my people into full potential?
Ask us. We help you transform!
Let’s work together on the future of your organization.


"You can't change the organization, but the people within."

„In a learning organization, leaders are designers, stewards, and teachers.“
About Us
We bring over 20 years of experience in organizational development, from leadership to personal mastery, and from business management, performance management, data management, innovation management to IT. Unlike normal IT service providers we combine a broad spectrum of competencies to help turning your business into an agile data and people-driven learning organization.
We come with high technical and systemic competence, but also with mature interpersonal skills. In the end, we love to help!
Sincerely The Metamorph Team
Team Profiles:
- Mission: "We support companies in their change processes towards a modern and agile organisation, which puts continuous learning as key performance factor in their DNA. We help create healthy working environments where the symphony between the human and his vocation meets the symbiosis of processes, data and technology"
- Latest References:
- Greenmatch AG, Basel
- Ecoloc GmbH, Basel
- École Mahana, Courgenay
- Soludoo, Worb
- In Light GmbH, Oberentfelden
- Dept. of Environment, Canton of Basel, Basel
- Inca Design GmbH, Aarau
- Magnefico, Zürich
- aTilia, Suhr
Connectivity is the most powerful megatrend of our time. The principle of networking dominates social change and opens a new chapter in the evolution of society. Digital communication technologies are fundamentally changing our lives, reprogramming socio-cultural codes and giving rise to new lifestyles and patterns of behaviour. In order to successfully accompany this fundamental change, companies need new networking skills and a holistic-systemic understanding of (digital) change. A company's own digital transformation always begins with the successful networking of employees and a flexibilisation of working models and structures.
Traditional governance and strategy will not be successful in this new digital ecosystem, because it was designed for a traditional environment with high predictability and certainty. Sure, professional process control is indispensable. All too often, processes are present but poorly controlled. The definition is clear: A process serves the completely transparent control of tasks that lead to a clear and defined result. But even if implemented perfectly, the solution will not work as expected. The reason is: Humans are also part of the solution. And the perfect solution is perfect connectivity.
Success in implementation of changes requires more than just technology. The 3 success factors people, processes and technology need to be aligned! We at Metamorph concentrate on all these aspects in what we call "integral” approach:
Business process management refers to the design, documentation, control and improvement of business processes. Good business process management always answers the question, who does what, how, when and with the help of which resources? The How relates to people’s mindsets, the usability of technology (UI/UX) and the overall business objectives.
People are not only part of a process and need to be enabled to use the technology but are also the main driver of the process. Getting value from technology is effectively bound to the capabilities and the motivation of your employees. But the hidden treasure when it comes to the performance of a company lies not in aligning people to technology. It is more about the culture for innovation and agility, the networking skills, the conscious behaviour skills, and how to produce flow in the teams. The flow state is a mental state determined by the feeling of being completely absorbed in your vocation. Last but not least, the condition creates a feeling of happiness, which is the source of outstanding performance.
Technology is of these 3 pillars the most cost intensive and comes last and with the least return. It is crucial that this aspect is in resonance with the other aspects of the integral enterprise development.
We therefore come with a ambidextrouse approach:
A. Left Hemisphere:
We offer a business analysis of your
- Strategy
- Technology & IT (based on ITIL V4)
- Management System & Processes
We evaluate whether your project can be profitably digitized and help redesigning and implementing solutions.
B. Right Hemisphere:
We offer a review of your existing
- Leadership Approach
- Innovation Approach
- People´s Image, HR Approach
- People´s Needs and Work Environment
- Culture
and advise you regarding how you can step into transition.
While this is a topic that we could debate for hours, let us boil down the essence of this right hemisphere potential to the following core characteristics - the 3 Cs - developed by investing in continous learning.

Triangle of Human Potential
It are those leaders and organizations that continousely invest in learning, which can raise their consciousness, augment their interpersonal skills (inclusive of empathy and communication) and unleash the creativity within themselves, that will be the ones that not only survive in the Digital Era, but thrive.
We assess and tweek your culture, help develop agile leadership skills, implement a New Work environment, provide assistance to make your team flourish and activate team intelligence with our methods based on:
- Integral Theory
- MIT U Theory
- Non Violent Communication
- Transactional Analysis
- the Being At Full Potential Process
- the Five Disciplines of the Learning Organization and
- our heretic spirit against best practice

"With its wide-ranging approach Metamorph SDS has managed to create sustainable structures that successfully support our growth strategy!"
"Metamorph has helped us to shift our team culture into flow, which is an essential success factor for any organization."
"Ecoloc creates services and frameworks for clients who seek ‘next level’ cultural and ecomomic evolution with aligning their impact with a higher purpose for the people and the planet. This requires advanced knowledge and wisdom in the field of organizational development. Therefore we acknowledge the strong vision of Jeroen in this field, and chose Metamorph SDS to safeguard the implementation of the most effective frameworks, philosophies and organizational strategies for our organization."

The significance of culture to meet digital priorities

The Being At Full Potential Pyramid
Past Newsletters (German):
The core of the success of a venture comes from its culture. Also the ability to innovate is deeply dependent on the culture of an organisation. The culture itself is strongly influenced by the organizational form. Anyone who wants to attract young people will want to turn his company into a learning organization, a more recent form of organization with the goals of empowerment, self-responsibility, self-competence, self-organization, personal mastery, group intelligence. Only in this way a company can react appropriately to the VUCA world (acronym for Volatility Uncertainty Complexity Ambiguity). We analyze your people and environment and offer adapted workshops regarding Being At Full Potential, Leadership, Personal Mastery or (Non Violent) Communication.
Download Case Study! (Omega Healthcare, IT Provider)
Watch Case Study (Webinar)! (Thornton's Budgens, Groceries)
Read our Article! (in German)
From Being At Full Potential workshops emerge cultural shifts and general change processes. You will be enabled to identify, analyze, plan and implement changes while involving and creating responsibility within the leaders and the staff in the entire change process. Subworkstreams can emerge like
- Innovation - Helping clients to activate right brain activity, and pairing this with methods like design thinking
- Authenticity – Helping clients to develop their authentic being and new communication and listening skills throughout the enterprise
- Business Strategy – Helping clients to co-create a purpose-based vision and a long-term strategy to increase value for the organization and opportunities for growth
- Intrapreneurship – Helping clients to shift employees to be leaders within their field and foster self-leadership
- Personal Mastery – Helping clients to develop their employees and help employees to stop self-sabotaging behavior (like procrastination and distraction), develop communication and team skills, find clarity, purpose, efficiency, and drive
- Vocation – Helping employees to recognize their vocation and clients to reajust their teams accordingly
- Learning Organisation – Helping clients to create a Learning Organisation with overcoming old mental models, activating system thinking and team intelligence, backed by appropriate coworking technology
- Team Building – Helping clients to create efficient teams with activated team intelligence and optimized interpersonal skills (e.g. empathy)
- New Organisational Structures – Helping clients to identify structural needs and implement supporting Social Technology (like Holocracy or Sociocracy 3.0), and Information Technology (like Mural, Odoo or other systems)
"Whether it is research and development, company management, or any other aspect of business, the active force is "people." And people have their own will, their own mind, and their own way of thinking. If the employees themselves are not sufficiently motivated to challenge the goals of growth and technological development ... there will simply be no growth, no gain in productivity, and no technological development."
[Kazuo lnamori, founder and president of Kyocera. Kyocera, founded 1959, had 2019/2020 a turnover of over 13 billion $, outperforming profit margins of most of its competitors.]Corona and the measures imposed by the Swiss government are hitting Swiss companies with full force. We at Metamorph believe in the power of the 5 disciplines to give focus in organizations and to create lasting change. We have asked ourselve, how we can enable companies to become independent of a further lockdown. Is there a technology which supports the 5 disciplines of a learning organisation and enables teams to easily work online together? Which technology helps implementing learning and innovation as a core process for organizations and their employees? Together with the Upgrade Society we provide now the only real Innovation Resource Platform (IRP) in Switzerland. We bring organizations in resonance with virtually connecting all teams of your company enabling your employees to build innovation intiatives online, match ideas, people and targets in the context of the impact statement. This is all done by a top-notch Rich Data Platform (AI) integrated in a social network plattform. Innovation Avatars are being deployed within the "The Upgrade App" for employees to work on their Personal Mastery. Project managers define their project and the AI finds the right talents with the right personality for this project. The integrated learning plattform provides courses e.g. lean innovation or design thinking. And we train your innovation leaders. You as a client will be enabled to develop your own invention programs of choice for driving the shared vision of your organisation and evolve. Ask us for a Demo.
For Visual Online Collaboration we recommend additionally Mural or Miro:
We come to increase your knowledge on digital technologies potentials, the added value for their innovation processes and the entrepreneurial opportunities from their application. We come to review your processes, make them smarter, more efficient, more competitive. Then we introduce technical allies where useful. Our allies are Smart Appliances, Data & Process Management Platforms, Docker/VMs, ERPs, CRMs, Road Warrior Workplaces, Cloud Services, Data Storage and Backup Solutions.
For our customers we have screened following ERPs and Data Management Systems, one of which has the potential to be the disruptive technology of upcomming years: Actserv, Agis Prima, Bexio, DM360 KMU, Godesys, Microtech-Büro+, MS Dynamics NAV, myfactory, Odoo, Proffix, Profinance, Proles, Vepos. Ask us fo advice!

We design, setup and maintain small scale networks with Synology Network Attached Storage Systems (NAS) and routers. Synology enables full server services with professional rack solutions, but also on small scale servers at lowest costs. The linux based operation system allows to upscale your network with countless applications. Most of them come with no additional cost.
We expand your network with road warrior workplaces over VPN, enable remote desktop access and data synchronization over all your devices.
As an alternative we setup Windows Server networks with MS Active Directory, Windows 10 clients, Office 356 and Exchange.

Together with you we develop a strategy to strengthen your vision and your purpose alignment! Modern enterprises thrive because they have a higher purpose. What is it, for what your people want to work? What they want to achieve for the greater good?
In this discipline it is not enough to develop a mission statement, but we try to use the mission of each individual, his or her calling, in such a way that the company serves the well-being of our societies. This way we bring heart into business. And heart power is still a missunderstood and undervalued power. Enterprises which align with it, will thrive!
A typical approach here would be to source from the vocation of the individuals and align the higher purpose with the Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs provide companies with the opportunity to develop and implement solutions and technologies to address the world's most pressing sustainable development challenges. As a global framework for the development of our societies, the SDGs enable leading companies to demonstrate how they are promoting sustainable development through their operations. This can be done by minimising negative or strengthening positive impacts of their actions on people and the environment.

Metamorph SDS
Tel (Basel): +41 61 504 16 62
Tel (Pleujouse): +41 79 425 93 21
Email: contact@...
Web: metamorph-sds.com
Sustainable Development
Metamorph SDS has always been committed to rigorous sustainability. We produce our hot water with wood and solar thermal energy. We produce our own solar electricity. Whenever possible, we use the electric car or train for travelling. Since 2015, residual emissions have been fully offset with certificates from the climate protection foundation myclimate. We collect around 25'000l rainwater per year. Where permitted, we use rainwater instead of drinking water. Metamorph SDS is Swisscleantech member.